
Showing posts from June, 2017

Fishing Fathers

Father's day is a special day to give thanks to all those dads who have given their time and taught their children about life and for many of us,that includes the great outdoors. Sometimes it is the small things that stick with you through the years, such as remembering that first fish caught, or the first hunt or camping trip. For me, it was all of the above. I still recall that my first redfish caught was in Pointe-au-chene along some rocks. I thought I had a whale (lol) and in retrospect may have not even been a keeper these days. For all those firsts, I will be eternally grateful. After all, no one is a better hunter or fisherman than your own father. No matter if he has never caught the biggest or most, A father can give you more than any trophy, and that is life's lesson and respect for the great outdoors. We honor our dads on this day, but every day on the water will give you special memories with your father. God bless them all for the patience, the time and most of all...

Fishing is a Family Affair

Fishing is usually passed down through generations. My family is no exception. My grandfather was an avid fisherman. My father was an avid fisherman (God rest their fishing souls) and my 5 brothers all loved the sport as well. Although, brother Jerry was taken way before his time. We would even keep family records of who caught the biggest fish of a certain species. Of course my dad held many of the records for years, but we all had and have our share of bragging rights. That tradition has been passed down to the next generation also. This competitive spirit is fun in nature and there is always an interesting fish story to be told. There are many well known fishing families here in south Louisiana. The great thing about family competition is you don't have to be famous, like the pros, to be king. The fish do not have to be world record size to have the bragging rights. It just has to be bigger than anyone else's fish in the family. The other great thing about a family kept reco...