A Fisher's Life

Perhaps years ago, this title may have read a fisherman's life.  But as my English professor once said,  "fisher" is generic for all those who fish. No doubt she was right about that. A fisher is anyone who loves the sport and enjoys the many great memories, as well as endures the many trials and tribulations that the sport brings.

A fisher's life is one that has seen Mother Nature and all her beauty, scary, dramatic, and most of all wonderful scenes. Some days we float on quiet lakes, thanking the Good Lord above for our time in such tranquil times. Other days we run from vicious storms praying we make it back safe. 

Fishers all have one thing in common.  No matter what Mother Nature brings, there is no place we would rather be than in the great outdoors, casting a line to try to catch that elusive "Walter." For those who don't know the story of "Walter". Back in the 80's there was a movie called "On Golden Pond".  The main character was always losing the biggest trout in that small lake. He named the trout Walter. Ever since that movie, I have referred to trophy fish I've landed and sometimes lost, as Walter. 

Every fisher dreams of catching that trophy "Walter"  fish. It may be for bragging rights with friends and family or perhaps one for the record books that will have their name etched in the fishing records for all time. 

No matter if you are a professional or one that just does it for the love of the sport, the one thing all fishers have in common is that there is nothing they would rather be doing. 

Actually it's hard to explain the motivation and drive that makes one wake up well before dawn and stay out well after dark in pursuit of that elusive fish. I suppose the one word to describe a fisher's life would be passion. The outdoors is their church. It's where they make peace with their maker and give thanks for the time spent on the water. 

A fisher's life can be wonderful and sometimes tough, with many hours spent on the water.  But no doubt, there is no place they would rather be than feeling the warm breeze of an ocean wind,  smelling the fresh air of a Cypress filled swamp, or feeling the cool waters of a mountain stream. 

Fishing for many is a way of life, for others it is just pure enjoyment. But for all who fish it is a way to escape into the tranquility of the great outdoors. 

Good Luck Fishing, Hope to see ya on the water. 



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