All About Timing for Spawning Crappie

Ever heard the saying "a day late". Well, "a day early" might apply too when it comes to spawning fish. In fact it may be a matter of an hour or two. Spawning fish move on and off the nest at different times. Being there at the right moment could mean catching the mother load or maybe just a few. Today was a great example of this. Fished yesterday in the exact same canals as today. Although yesterday was good, today was fantastic. The fish moved right up against the bank and were easy to catch. This could happen in any of your favorite bayous. One day you swear the fish have moved out, and the next, you boat a hundred. So the best advice during these spawning times is to get out while you can and hope its that magic day, hour, or minute they move in. Again, keep what you need and release the rest. "See the roe, let it go". Good luck fishing. Hope to see ya on the water.


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