Big Trout light tackle topwater
With this warm weather here in south Louisiana, the top water fishing has been fantastic. For most folks using medium to heavy tackle would seem to be the best bet. But for me I op-out for the lightest tackle I can get away with. After all what is more exciting than hooking mule trout on 8-10 pound line with a medium to light weight 7ft spinning rod and a 1000 series spinning reel.. Crazy right? Most folks would think that, but that's exactly what I have caught over 40 fish with in the 3-6lb range these last two months. Plus this type of finesse fishing is great if you are using plastics or suspending baits. I prefer braided line also. but the key to using a light braid, is to have at least a 15-20 mono leader.. Those big trout have very sharp teeth and will slice through that braid better than any knife. As far as lures, that's a matter of preference. But a good topwater for the novice would be the mirrolure she-pup with high pitch rattles.. color seems to be secondary. Depend...
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