Spring Cleaning Your Tackle

There are some days that no matter how much you want to fish, it is better to stay home and rearrange your tackle box or fix items you have been avoiding. When the wind is blowing 30mph plus, the seas are just too much even for the biggest boat. Saltwater fishing can be next to impossible. Tides 2 feet above normal can make even launching the boat tough. Freshwater areas can provide some protection from the winds, but with the water pouring in, it makes it more difficult to find decent water, not to mention incoming water tends to throw the bite off. So these type of days are great for cleaning out the tackle box. Get rid of all those lures that you have never used and never will. Arranging the jigs tails by best color to worst, jigs heads by sizes and styles that you may use the most will save you time the next time you are back on the water. It is also a great time to re-spool reels or at least check for bad spots and frays in the line. Tackle is not the only thing you can work on when its impossible to get out. Checking the bearings, tires, running lights, winch, and skids on the trailer are all important to avoid future breakdowns that could mess up a fishing trip. Going through the boat is also important, making sure bilges, running lights, and electronics are all in proper working order. It is a good time to fix anything that is not working that you may have been putting off. It is always a good idea to have tools on board too, like a good set of pliers, screw drivers, a crescent wrench, a grease gun for bearings, steering cables and a spray lubricant for rusted and squeaky parts. But if you are like me, you are probably watching a fishing show on tv or the millions on youtube instead, lol. So if you are, please check out the videos I have posted. Go to my channel at bobwellsfishing11 on youtube. So when the weather is not cooperating, do some spring cleaning on your gear, it will save you time on the water and possibly net you that trophy fish you been looking for by having your gear working properly. Good luck fishing. Hope to see ya on the water.


  1. Like I always say, the wind is just like a woman: feels good when it blows but it's a b#tch when you wanna go fishing!

  2. Lol.. Good one Boudreaux!!!! Thanks for the tips Bob . keep um Coming!!!
    And Tight lines to you as well


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