Salt to Sacs

It is great to live in such a place where in one cast you are hooking big reds and other assorted saltwater fish, and the next catching some slab crappie, bass, and other assorted freshwater fish. But, that is exactly how it is living here in south Louisiana. The waters change from mostly salt to brackish to fresh all within a short boat ride. The best part is that you can usually find some species that want to bite. It may be redfish, speckled trout, crappie, bass, and the many other assorted fish that swim in these fertile waters of our area. Specifically the Bayou Dularge and Bayou Black areas are some prime fisheries all within a short boat ride to catch the numerous species of fish. My boat launch of choice is Cannon's Landing off of Southdown Mandalay Rd in southern Terrebonne Parish. Perhaps the only downside to having access to this fishery is the amount of gear needed. Loading separate tackle bags, and rods can make the boat crowded. The best solution is to consolidate the two. I never leave home without both. Perhaps the biggest dilemma is where to start. Sometimes, the late afternoon bite is great for crappie, but with the water temps dropping, midday may be the best time. So in these cases it may be better to start salt and finish fresh. Other times, especially depending on winds, it may be better to start fresh and finish salt. After all, if you have ever hit big trout on top water, timing is everything and that late afternoon (right before dark) bite can be magic. Tides also determine which to target first. Both freshwater and saltwater may be affected by tides. So knowing the waters and how they are affected will help you choose which to target first. Saltwater may be better with moving tides than fresh. Although falling waters out of cuts in the marsh can be great for crappie and bass. The second dilemma may be leaving fish to find fish. It's never a good idea to leave feeding fish to see if another species may be biting. Getting limits can help, but for some it's not about the numbers but the size of the fish. So leaving an area that may produce big Sacs/bass or redfish/speckled trout can be difficult. On a personal note, I never leave sacs biting to find anything else. Perhaps the only thing to drive me away from crappie would be monster trout on topwater. The thrill of a big trout dancing out of the water trying to throw the bait is exciting. So if you want to experience the best of both worlds, find your way down to Houma, Louisiana where freshwater mixes and turns salt in just a short boat ride. Good luck fishing. Hope to see ya on the water.


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