It's A Crappie World

It has become a crappie world. Fishing used to be dominated by the bass fishing industry and to a degree, still is. But thanks in part to the many crappie clubs and tournaments across the country, crappie fishing went from "just a pan fish to fry" to a sports fish with a new meaning. Crappie fishing has gone from a cane pole way of life to a multi million dollar spectacular industry. This crappie fishing explosion has created a business all of its' own. We now have specialties devoted just to the sport of crappie fishing. Yes, crappie fishing has gone from just another fish to fry to a "feel that thump" exciting sports fishing bonanza. It is exciting times for crappie enthusiasts. There are many new innovations because of this growing craze. There are specialty rods, reels , baits, fish finders, trolling motors, boats, rod holders, spider rig set ups, lights, and the list goes on. It really is exciting to be a crappie fisher. There are many ways to get involved. You can become a tournament fisher, a guide, an innovator that designs baits, rods, and many of the specialties like spider set-ups, rods holders for long poles, and anything else to innovate the sport. The list keeps going. There are specialty lines, bait scents, special hooks, and the many hand tied jigs. With a simple click on the internet, you can find where to fish, how to fish, how to rig up your boat, how to rig your poles, and everything else when it comes to crappie fishing. No one would have thought about catch and release of crappie years ago. Tournaments have certainly changed the culture. Crappie are now caught, kept alive and released. This is a positive change because of the amount of pressure put on the many fisheries where these tournaments are held. That being said, it is still one of the best- eating fish and keeping one's fair share makes for a good meal to feed the family. Crappie fishing has become a nation-wide phenomenon. There are many tv shows and Youtube videos dedicated to the sport. There are many sites dedicated to making better fishers out of all of us. Plus, the information provided by others is priceless when it comes to where and when is the best times and places to fish. It has a multi million dollar impact on the economy and is growing daily. So move over bass world, crappie fishing has become the new glamorous sport. I have been a "sac' fisherman since I learned to fish. Regardless if I'm fishing for fun or a tournament, the thrill of the thump or that cork slowly descending is what I live for as a true crappie fisher. It is truly an exciting time in the crappie world. Good luck fishing. Hope to see ya on the water.


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