An Epic March

  Every fisher dreams of that day or time when everything aligns and you catch a fish or fishes of a lifetime. Well that happened to the Doc and me one week in March 2015 at my favorite small lake in north Louisiana,  Poverty Point Reservoir. 

The weather that March day was cold and when we arrived at the lake there was no one there, not a truck in the parking lot or boat on the water.  We launched my 17ft G3 and hadn't been on the water long when Doc hung a monster crappie. It was a 3 lber and his second one he could brag about. I was thinking, where's my trophy.? Some things are just not fair. Day one on the lake had started great, at least for Doc.

The next day a few other seekers of the giants had arrived and one was a bass guy looking for that trophy. We were fishing a cove that had a log pile we had come to love over the years and had produced big fish. The only problem was the bass guy knew about the log pile also.  We were anxious to fish it, but he stayed what seemed like hours patiently fishing it. After a long while without that big bite he was looking for, he moved off. We had stayed close , fishing other parts of the cove catching some nice crappie. After he moved off, we took our turn. We hadn't been there long when Doc hooked into what we thought was a giant gaspergou or catfish. We had no idea until it came to the surface that it was that giant bass the bass guy was looking for. After a heart pounding fight, I netted the fish. It was a 9lb 6oz bass. The bass guy was witness to all our chaos and motored over to see Doc's catch on a crappie pole. We had put the fish in the livewell and were going to the marina to have it weighed officially. The bass guy was emphatic about releasing that fish and asked if we would come back and put in the same spot we caught it in.  Of course we told him it's an eater, gonna grill it up tonight. This wasn't the truth but we found some humor in it.

Needless to say Doc was hard to live with that day. Not only had he caught his second trophy crappie, but now had landed a nearly 10lb bass. 

The tables are turned:

Doc had an epic 2 days of fishing and I was kinda happy for him lol. After all, fishing can be a competitive sport. The next day after some restless sleep, the fishing Gods smiled on me. 

We had been spider rigging in one cove and decided to change spots. As we were trolling through a small channel between the coves, one of my poles dipped. When I pulled, it felt like dead weight. I had no idea what it was. Certainly did't fight like a crappie. The fish ripped off a bunch of line and I was worried it would hang me up in the structure I had hooked it around. When it surface, I panicked. I told Doc he better not miss it with the net. It was by far the biggest bass I had ever hooked. We landed the fish and it was a 9lb 13oz family record beauty. 

Needless to say I now had bragging rights on the big fish. However Doc still had landed the one fish that was on my bucket list, that elusive 3lb crappie. 

Doc had to leave the Point early that week, so I stayed a couple of extra days. It paid off because I finally landed that elusive 3lb crappie. The weight had been lifted and I had family bragging rights on the biggest bass and crappie.

That March week will be etched in my memories forever. 

Good luck fishing. Hope to see ya on the water. 


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